Pitch to become a children’s book author and/or illustrator

| Thursday, September 15th

Your Experts Are:
TBA – Sterling
Brett Waldman– Publisher, Tristan Publishing


Your Roundtable Participants Include:
Colleen Houck – author of Tiger’s Curse
Lisa McCue – author and illustrator of Quiet Bunny, creator of Fuzzytails, and illustrator of over 175 books for children
Marilyn Scott-Waters – author and creator of The Toymaker series
Olivia Bouler-Author of Olivia’s Birds, Saving the Gulf

Presenting Your Pitch:

  1. All materials must be created in an electronic format and submitted to Brandy Shay –  brandy@thecreativeconnectionevent.com – by September 5th. This presentation will then be forwarded to each of the Experts and Roundtable Participants to review and have with them during your presentation.
  2. You may bring to the Pitch a printed copy of your materials for each Expert and Roundtable Participant to strengthen your presentation.

Pitch Contents:

  1. An Introduction to “you” that will include a brief and concise biography. As a guideline for your Introduction, you may use Form #1 below.
  2. For Authors: Provide a brief and concise overview of your book idea. As a guideline, you may use Form #2 below.
  3. For Illustrators: Provide 3-10 visual samples of your work, originals or prints, 8 ½ X 11 in size. If you have more than one style of illustration, bring a variety of work to showcase your diversity. Artwork should be loose and not in a portfolio. Also provide a brief overview of your artwork. As a guideline, you may use Form #2 below.

REMEMBER: You only have 3 minutes, which equals approximately 400 words. Keep your pitch concise and focused.

Form #1 for Introduction:

Using one page for your written introduction, please include the following information in the order listed:

  1. Date
  2. Full name
  3. Contact information
  4. Biography, 150-175 words

Guidelines for Writing Your Biography

Your biography establishes your credibility as an author and/or illustrator. Mention any previously published work, including those in blogs or websites. If you are an unpublished writer or artist, what is your professional expertise, education, life experience, or other compelling qualification that makes you the best person to write and/or illustrate this children’s book? And, please let us know if you have a social media presence; for example, are you on Twitter and or Facebook? If so, how many people follow you on Twitter, and how many fans or friends do you have on Facebook?
Your written biography should be no longer than two paragraphs, or 150-175 words.
In the pitch, your introduction should be no longer than 50-75 words. That equals two to three sentences. Whittle down what’s most important for the pitch and practice reciting it.

Form #2 for Book Proposal:

Using one single-spaced page for your written Children’s Book Overview, include the following information:

For Illustrators:

  1. Brief and concise discussion of your illustrations. Would you like to illustrate picture books, or work alongside an established author? Have you written your own story, or are you collaborating with a writer? If you propose to write and illustrate a book, please complete Form #2 for authors as well. (150-350 words)

For Authors:

  1. Brief and concise outline of your book, including genre, title, synopsis, and chapters (if necessary). What is the age of your audience? For a children’s chapter book, be sure to include a proposed table of contents. Also include specifications such as: trim size, illustration or photography requirements, and word count.
  2. Brief and concise explanation of how your book is different from or similar to those currently on the market, who your target audience is, and why your book meets an underserved or unmet niche in the marketplace. Include in your written information the ISBN numbers for three comparative book titles. (150-175 words)

In the pitch, the overview will be 300-350 words. Practice delivering the overview aloud, along with your introduction, to keep within the three-minute time limit. Shorten if necessary.



The Winners are:



12 Responses to Pitch to become a children’s book author and/or illustrator

  1. Nancy Wiley says:

    I have illustrated a couple of books and would like to do more and find a publisher.

  2. I have written and illustrated three children’s books, which I am self publishing and would love to find a way to bring my idea to the mass market. :-)

  3. Laura Bowden says:

    I would like to be considered for the children’s book illustrator pitch slam please.

    Thank you!
    Laura Bowden

  4. Karey Miller says:

    I have a unique idea for a children’s book and would love to have the chance to have it reviewed by professionals.

  5. Beverly Dyer says:

    My first book, “Cats and Dogs of Chapel Hill: Furry Tails about Town,” was a joy. I’d love the opportunity to pitch my next idea to this panel.
    Thank you,
    Beverly Dyer, MSN, RN, Certified Botanical Illustrator
    919 608-0247

  6. Done. Sending now.

  7. Jodie says:

    I would love to write a childrens book. I have never actually written a book before but I was a teacher in a Steiner (Waldorf) School and had to write a lot of my own stories.

    Jodie :)

  8. Orleen Haseltine says:

    For years I have created conceptual stories to underscore my emphasis in public speaking. Would love the opportunity to pitch them for print.
    Orleen Haseltine

  9. Jaime says:

    I would like to be considered for the Children’s Book Author pitch opportunity.

    Thank you!


  10. Eliza Sorte says:

    PLEASE consider me for this opportunity.

  11. Kim Flatland says:

    Thank you for the opportunity. Please consider me for this event. Kim@soulfirmations.com 612-875-7521

  12. I know I missed the official deadline, but am game to pitch if by any chance its been extended! Am working on a book to go with a design collection as we speak…

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